
Monday, 18 May 2015

D R A W I N G # 2

'When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.'


Sooo, drawing board round two!

Thank you all for the amazing comments about my Arya sketch on twitter, I really wasn't expecting such a vast response :') I will deffo be continuing with this weekly feature now I know you are interested! ^_^

This week is the turn of Cersei Lannister. I's only the second portrait I have ever done *gasps* but I am pretty happy with the outcome to be honest. Like I said on my last DB post (here) I don't like to draw realism because, quite frankly, I'm really crap at it so I take a more painterly approach to my work.

Her lips are a little messed up, more because I am lazy & couldn't be bothered trying to make them better so after about 1482 times of trying, I gave up kept them simple.

Cersei (flippin'eck her name is hard to spell hahahah) is one of my favorite characters, mainly because she thinks she's so clever, when in fact, she's really not & everything she seems to do goes tits up (': She is such a great character to watch & her hair always looks flawless which is a big plus!

So what do you think of this week's portrait? Let me know in the comments or you can tweet me @sugarpea_


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